The Smart Drilling app has been designed to determine and monitor the physical and geological rock characteristics of the underlying strata. The app can be classified for users seeking 3 types of benefits -
• Drill log information - This drilling analytics platform collects and optimizes the drilling parameters. This information can be used to analyze and also track the progress and performance of drilling operation.
• Drill bit performance - It also inspects the performance of a drill bit and concludes the time to regrind the bits by correlating the drilling information, rock types and time duration - all in a single system.
• Operator efficiency - The app also tracks the idle time of drill and worker and captures frequency of drill downtime and maintenance period to determine your operator efficiency.
Key features of the drilling platform -
• Work in offline mode and later sync data with web portal or desktop computer.
• Add, view and edit an entire drill pattern, individual holes or a range of holes.
• Real-time updating of drill pattern with date-time stamp logged.
• Integration with machine data.
• Automatic QA / QC of the drill data.
• Ability to allow multiple operators to work on different holes simultaneously with complete transparency.
• GPS capabilities to capture hole coordinates and plot drill pattern over a map.
• Illustrative differentiation between planned, completed or in-progress holes.
• Graphical representation and edit feature for each hole with different strata or minerals and loading information at different depths.
• Export drill logs as .csv or .pdf files.
• Integration with the blasting platform for appropriate hole loading.